Funding Social Justice Solicitors
We are proud to announce the first round of grants from the Supporting Social Justice Solicitors Fund. We’ve used this fund to compliment and amplify the impact of existing work done by the Social Welfare Solicitors Qualifying Fund ensuring aspiring lawyers employed by free legal advice charities have the best chance of developing a successful long-term career dedicated to supporting the people, places, and communities most in need of legal help for generations to come.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the legal community, we’ve awarded £114,000 in funding to 15 organisations across the UK who will receive a two-year grant of up to support 19 students and secure the future of social welfare advice.
A workforce in crisis
Frontline free legal advice charities are facing a critical challenge in recruiting and retaining talented solicitors to serve the people, places, and communities most in need. This workforce crisis is having a devastating impact on the availability and quality of essential legal services.
The social welfare law sector remains one of the least secure and poorest paid areas of legal practice. In addition to facing intense demand for services, and increasingly complex and emotive legal issues, frontline advice organisations simply cannot match the salaries, benefits, and support offered by commercial firms or the public sector.
As a result, talented and passionate lawyers are being forced to leave, moving to better paid roles as they struggle to meet the intense demands of studying for the SQE exams, maintaining their wellbeing, and serving their communities.
Empowering social welfare solicitors of the future
This expertise exodus is devastating, not only for frontline organisations struggling to meet demand, but for the communities that rely on these services.
Dedicated social justice solicitors play a vital role, providing life-changing advice and support to vulnerable individuals and families struggling with issues like domestic violence, housing, and employment. Their work is a literal lifeline, keeping families safe, with a roof over their heads, and much more.
This funding is vital in our endeavour to be a supportive organisation that has the career of colleagues and the development of the sector at its heart. This is made possible and more tangible by The Access to Justice Foundation understanding the need for more Social Welfare Law solicitors and providing funding provided to deliver this objective.
Franck Kiangala, Solicitor and Director of North Kensington Law Centre
We need dedicated solicitors helping people in some of the most deprived communities to tackle social justice issues such as domestic abuse, housing, debt and employment if we want a fairer society. This is challenging, as these sectors simply do not have the same opportunities as the private sector.
We must act now to safeguard the future of social welfare advice. By contributing the Supporting Social Justice Solicitors Fund, we can provide the vital resources advice charities need to retain and develop and retain their specialist teams. This will ensure aspiring social justice lawyers get the stability, flexibility, and support to succeed – and keep providing their essential services to the communities that need them most.
More funding partners are needed to truly transform the landscape and improve access to justice nationwide.
Will you join us in securing the future of frontline legal advice?
Help us increase access to justice for the people, places, and communities most in need by supporting a second round of the Supporting Social Justice Solicitors Fund, find out how here.
Our funded partners