The advice sector faces a £15-£20 million shortfall when trying to meet the immediate new demand.
Over 40,000 people who are most impacted by the cost of living crisis will potentially go without the advice and assistance they need.
Organisations are seeing an increase in demand by as much as 48% and in some cases much more.
These figures are based on conversations with Community Justice Fund grantees and are meant to give a broad indication of the issues faced by advice services at the frontline. You can find more information here.
The problem is urgent. If the funding gap is not closed, unmet demand will continue to increase while tens of thousands of people remain unable to access the services they need.
We work to increase the resources available for the provision of free legal advice across the UK and make grants which support marginalised communities protect their fundamental rights and live fulfilling lives.
Whether it’s employee fundraising and engagement, commercial opportunities or one-off events, we’ll work alongside you to develop a mutually-beneficial partnership that meets your needs.
For more information please contact
at your events, conferences, or in your magazines, newsletters, or blog/ news pages.
to increase the impact of your philanthropic activity.
and the role of the advice sector in tackling social justice issues.
You can make a regular or one off donation to support access to justice by clicking the button on the right.
If you would like to leave a legacy that will enable people across the UK to have access to justice, please remember the Access to Justice Foundation in your will.
For more information please contact
Correspondence Address: The Access to Justice Foundation, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR
The Access to Justice Foundation is a company limited by guarantee (No. 6714178) and a Registered Charity in England and Wales (No. 1126147) and Scotland (No. SC048584). Registered office: The Access to Justice Foundation, 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR