How to apply for a Pro Bono Costs Order
Pro bono costs orders can be applied for in civil courts and cost-bearing tribunals and can be included in settlement agrrements (ss 194-194B Legal Services Act and CPR 46.7).
For a full list of courts and tribunals where pro bono costs are available, and in depth guidance and information please refer to our FAQs.
The suggested wording for a pro bono costs order is:
The [party] must pay costs for pro bono representation on or before [date] to the Access to Justice Foundation (The Access to Justice Foundation, 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR), [summarily assessed at £___] [or] [to be assessed on the standard/indemnity basis if not agreed]
Quick Guides
Guidance for Advocates
Guidance for Solicitors
The editable templates below can be used to help you seek pro bono costs orders.
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