Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support

Grants Awarded

Following a successful funding round, we are pleased to announce that grants have now been awarded as part of the Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support (IOTLS) grant. A total of 59 organisations based across England and Wales will receive a total of £10m in funding to support their work to sustain and improve access to early social welfare and family legal advice, specialist casework and where court or tribunal proceedings are needed, provide the support needed to help people navigate the process effectively.

The grant programme launched on 1st July 2023 and will run until 31st March 2025. We will be working together with this cohort to support the effective delivery of advice services and collate a robust learning and evidence base to make the case for future funding. 


The grantees for the Improving Outcomes Through Legal Support (IOTLS) programme are:

  • Asylum Support Appeals Project
  • Bristol Law Centre
  • CASSPLUS (Community Advice and Support Service)
  • Central England Law Centre
  • Citizens Advice Bradford & Airedale and Bradford Law Centre
  • Citizens Advice Denbighshire
  • Citizens Advice Flintshire
  • Citizens Advice Gateshead
  • Citizens Advice in North and West Kent
  • Citizens Advice Liverpool
  • Citizens Advice Portsmouth
  • Citizens Advice Sherwood & Newark (now Citizens Advice Central Nottinghamshire)
  • Citizens Advice Staffordshire North and Stoke-On-Trent
  • Citizens Advice Stevenage
  • Community Advice and Law Service
  • Community Law Service (Northampton & County)
  • Croydon Citizens Advice Bureaux Limited
  • Cumbria Law Centre
  • Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support
  • Direct Help & Advice Ltd
  • Domestic abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS)
  • East End Citizens Advice Bureaux
  • First Light South West
  • Friends, Families and Travellers
  • Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit
  • Greater Manchester Law Centre
  • Harrow Law Centre
  • Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS)
  • Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO)
  • Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre
  • Luton Law Centre
  • Manchester Mind
  • Manuel Bravo Project
  • Mary Ward Legal Centre
  • Merseyside Law Centre
  • Middlesbrough CAB
  • Nishkam Civic Association
  • Norfolk Community Law Service
  • North Bristol Advice Centre
  • North East Law Centre
  • North Kensington Law Centre
  • North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law Centre
  • Oxford Community Work Agency Ltd
  • Praxis Community Projects
  • Raise
  • RCJ Advice
  • Rights of Women
  • Riverside Advice
  • Shelter
  • Shelter Cymru
  • South West London Law Centres
  • South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice
  • Southwark Law Centre
  • Stockton Advice and Information Service (SDAIS)
  • Support Through Court (STC)
  • The Motherhood Plan (t/a Pregnant Then Screwed)
  • Tower Hamlets Law Centre
  • Victim Support
  • Working Families