Pro Bono Grants Round 2024

We’ve awarded funding to 10 organisations across the UK who will receive a two year grant of up to £50,000 to support their work enhancing access to pro bono legal services for disabled people.

We received 58 applications totalling £2.6 million in requested funds. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the legal community, and income from Pro Bono Costs Orders we were able to distribute just under £500,000 across 10 organisations over two years but this overwhelming level of demand continues to highlight the need for increased investment in access to justice.

A focus on supporting disabled people

This programme will focus on improving access to justice for disabled people. We know from our Value of Justice For All report that disabled people are disproportionately affected by the rising demand for legal advice, with 51% of people seeking advice experiencing a long-standing illness or disability.

In addition to this, disabled people face significant barriers accessing support services and navigating complex welfare systems.

The grant programme will run until 30th September 2026 and we will be working with our funded partners over this time to establish, expand, and sustain pro bono provision.

Our funded partners

Previous Pro Bono grants programmes

In 2022 our Pro Bono grants programme awarded £119,399 to nine organisations, with projects funded including weekly pro bono clinics run by rotating solicitor firms, volunteer fee-earners, and paralegals. One charity successfully re-established its employment law pro bono clinic, which had closed at the start of the pandemic, by engaging local pro bono volunteers.

With your support, we continue to support initiatives that provide pro bono legal support where it is needed the most. Find out how you can support organisations like these and contribute to pro bono service provision by joining our be part of the picture campaign.